ERCOT PPA Offer Prices
How are sellers pricing offers to sell renewables in ERCOT?
To find where developers are pricing their PPAs, originators often resort to running RFPs, calling their contacts one by one, or guessing. That’s not efficient.
In Q2 & Q3, 200 originators on RenewaFi’s marketplace submitted 500 PPA offers, with prices, while prospecting for offtake. This volume allows us to drill down to an unmatched level of detail. Rather than looking at ERCOT as a whole, we can cut the data in many ways, including by technology and hub.
As shown in the boxplot below, the P25-P75 offer price ranges were:
- Houston solar: $52.48 - $57.00
- North solar: $49.00 - $52.50
- South solar: $46.00 - $49.50
- West solar: $40.00 - $42.70
- North wind: $40.30 - 42.50
- West wind: $32.15 - $36.00