How RenewaFi Helps AMPYR Connect the Dots
AMPYR’s power marketing team turns to RenewaFi for in-depth price transparency
AMPYR’s power marketing team turns to RenewaFi for in-depth price transparency
AMPYR Energy USA, a joint venture between AGP Group and Hartree Partners, has a rapidly growing project pipeline of over 3 GWs, including multiple solar and BESS projects in ERCOT. AMPYR’s power marketing team sought to better understand the market value of potential offtake structures for their projects. The team had access to a wealth of data via other market sources, but connecting the dots to understand the impact on offtake pricing remained a challenge.
Using RenewaFi, the AMPYR team not only can see when offtake pricing changes but also understand why it does so. “Nobody has as much in-depth price transparency as RenewaFi,” said Salil Pradhan, VP of Power Marketing. “The platform interprets vast amounts of market data and applies it specifically to renewables and BESS, enabling us to understand what’s going on in the market and think critically about how we price our offers.”
The ability to analyze the impact of specific contract terms - such as start dates, term lengths, delivery points, and price floors - helps the team refine its commercial preferences. AMPYR also uses RenewaFi to test how different net load scenarios might influence offtakers’ view on pricing. “RenewaFi makes it incredibly easy to test contract permutations and scenarios,” said Salil.
The pricing intelligence provided by RenewaFi helps AMPYR’s power marketing team engage the market more efficiently and effectively. “RenewaFi keeps me informed on the market, so I can focus on closing deals,” Salil added.
Salil Pradhan